Was I The Only One}

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Submitted by: Geo Clark
Back in the 70s , I had a lot of time on my hands. Then, we thought technology was at a pretty high level as the family got their first car that had air conditioning. I was in hot, humid Central New York at the time. I want to say it was a big deal but it was not. I did not want to be in a car anyway. I would rather be outside. Killing ants with a magnifying glass was more fun than taking a car trip.
We were really creative back then without all of the modern technology. Now, technology eats up a lot of our free time. I dont mind waiting for the Doctor anymore. I can check e-mails. I can go shopping. I can play a game or I can just surf the internet. In my mind, I feel like Im being productive. In a way, I am.
There is a big difference between now and childhood. I used to listen to Americas top 40 countdown every Sunday just to see what the popular music was. When I bought a 45 record that I liked, I would play it in slow motion. There was no reason for me to buy a record without memorizing all of the words to the song. I did this up until my 20s. Now, you can get the lyrics to any song just by searching for it online.
There were many days where I went for a bike ride with no destination in mind. No one was going to take me or threaten me. I just had to make sure that I did not go too far away from home. I had to have enough energy to get back home. It was not cool to be seen pushing your bike because you couldnt pedal anymore. You could push up steep hills only. Was I the only one to wake up early for school and spend my lunch money at the candy store? Im sure I was not. The candy store was about 2 blocks from school. It would take at least half of my lunch money to get some sugar snacks. I was able to trade some candy and money for food. So, I still got to enjoy the majority of my candy.
There was a time where I read over 100 books in a six week period. I dont remember if it was a contest or not. I would come home and finish my homework first. I had three library books. I just started reading. They were not complicated books. Most of them were autobiographies on famous people. I learned a lot about famous and historical people during that time period. Now, the only hard cover book I carry is my bible. I read all of the other books on my Ipad.
I can definitely say that I had a lot of fun doing basic things in the 70s. I do enjoy modern technology also. I look forward to some of the new gadgets as they are produced. I just have to wait a little longer to purchase some of them. I know I wasnt the only one but I am surrounded by folks in their 20s and 30s these days.
About the Author: Believe that success is based on faith, family, and friends.
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